Kubernetes Cheat Sheet Shortlist
June 1, 2022 | DevOps | No Comments
Context & Namespaces
List All Contexts
Returns the list of contexts from the local kubectl config file
kubectl config get-contexts
Show Current Context
Returns the context currently being used by kubectl
kubectl config current-context
Change Current Context
kubectl config use-context CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER
Set “Sticky” Namespace
use a “sticky” namespace so you won’t have to specify the namespace in every command
kubectl config set-context --current -n NS_NAME
General Commands
Port Forwarding to Pod
Port-forwarding using the same port on the local machine and the target pod
kubectl port-forward -n NS_NAME POD_NAME PORT
Port-forwarding using a different port on the local machine and the target pod
Port-forwarding to a service
kubectl port-forward -n NS_NAME svc/SERVICE_NAME PORT
kubectl scale OBJECT OBJECT_NAME -n NS_NAME --replicas=DESIRED_COUNT
kubectl scale deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME -n NS_NAME --replicas=5
Wait For…
Wait for Pod to become ready
kubectl wait -n NS_NAME --for=delete pod/POD_NAME --timeout=90s
Wait for Pod to become deleted
kubectl wait -n NS_NAME --for=condition=Ready pod/POD_NAME --timeout=90s
Run BASH Command On Pod
kubectl exec -n NS_NAME -it POD_NAME -- bash -c "YOUR_COMMANDS;"
SSH to Pod
kubectl exec -n NS_NAME -it POD_NAME-- bash
Force Pod Deletion
kubectl delete pod POD_NAME -n NS_NAME --grace-period=0 --force
Get Pods With Name-Only
kubectl get pods -n NS_NAME --no-headers -o custom-columns=":metadata.name"
Suspend a Cronjob
kubectl patch cronjob CRONJOB_NAME -n NS_NAME -p '{"spec" : {"suspend" : true }}'
By Omri Mugzach